Parenthood's Erika Christensen: Joel and Julia Are Facing the "Perfect Storm" of Struggles
Julia may not have kissed her new friend Ed on last week's episode of Parenthood, but in the eyes of the show's loyal fans, what actually happened may have been worse. After learning that, despite her extra efforts, her son Victor would have to be moved back down to fourth grade, Julia tearfully embraced Ed, and not her husband, Joel (Sam Jaeger).
"Julia's relationship with Ed is confusing to her because it feels so good to have a friend who's completely open to anything and everything that she wants to say," Erika Christensen tells "I think if she's being very honest with herself — yeah, she has a little crush on him. But if Joel and Julia were not going through what they're going through right now, it would be nothing to bat an eye at."
Although it seems like things couldn't get much worse for the longtime solid couple, Julia will hit a new low...
Thu, Nov 21, 2013