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The Good Wife10/9c CBS The sophomore sensation continues to surprise and delight fans, and tonight's episode, the last original of 2010, promises more of the same. Alicia races against the clock to secure a stay of execution for a death-row inmate who is scheduled to die in nine hours. It's all set in motion when Alicia receives a cryptic message from a courthouse clerk concerning the condemned man's appeal. In more personal matters, Alicia, who recently learned of Will's phone call in which he professed his love for her, but which was deleted by Eli before she heard it, asks Will if they can talk about their relationship. Sounds like a good setup for 2011. — Tim Holland Read on for previews of Three Wise Women, Biggest Loser, Independent Lens, Explorer, Fashion Show and Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Christmas.
The Good Wife
10/9c CBS
The sophomore sensation continues to surprise and delight fans, and tonight's episode, the last original of 2010, promises more of the same. Alicia races against the clock to secure a stay of execution for a death-row inmate who is scheduled to die in nine hours. It's all set in motion when Alicia receives a cryptic message from a courthouse clerk concerning the condemned man's appeal. In more personal matters, Alicia, who recently learned of Will's phone call in which he professed his love for her, but which was deleted by Eli before she heard it, asks Will if they can talk about their relationship. Sounds like a good setup for 2011. — Tim Holland
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Three Wise Women
8/7c Hallmark
In this modern-day take on A Christmas Carol, Amy Huberman plays hospital administrator Liz, who has lost her enthusiasm for life and Christmas, in particular. The change in Liz worries her guardian angel, so he decides to call in reinforcements: Liz's past and future selves, played by Lauren Coe and Fionnuala Flanagan, respectively. The two women quickly get close to Liz and offer gentle nudges toward making big changes, especially when it comes to Liz's upcoming nuptials. — Brie Hearn
Biggest Loser
9/8c NBC
After months of hard work, it's time for the 10th Biggest Loser to be crowned in tonight's season finale. Last week's weigh-in put Frado and Patrick safely in the top two, leaving Elizabeth and Ada to depend on viewer votes to land the spot as the third finalist. Eliminated contestants are also set to return for one last weigh-in and to compete for the at-home prize of $100,000. — Brie Hearn
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Independent Lens10/9c PBS Brothers Bill and Turner Ross — directing their first feature-length film — provide a lyrical, cinema vérité look at small-town life via the goings-on in their hometown of Sidney, Ohio, in 45365. The doc garnered plenty of critical acclaim: It was honored with the Grand Jury Prize at the 2009 South by Southwest Film Festival and with the Roger and Chaz Ebert Truer than Fiction Award at the 2010 Independent Spirit Awards. — Jeff Gemmill