Comments on: Smartphone Navigation: Import KML Routes into the App Bikepacking, Bicycle Touring, Equipment, Testing, Videos Wed, 27 Dec 2023 16:11:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: jan riemersma Sat, 03 Jun 2017 10:19:00 +0000 In reply to Bikeopeli.

There are different ways for biking. I used to be the old-fashioned guy preferring a paper or polymer map which I’d have to pull from my back pocket to check every now and then to orientate.
However, I have also found out that stopping at spots to check my route–usually traffic junctions–isn’t the safest thing to do. Also, having to check maps regularly may break your cycling cadence. Therefore, it would be nice if MAPS could assist keeping me on track or at least making me aware how far off the track I am. I wouldn’t turn it on permanently (if only for battery life)–just in cases I’d feel lost or when road sings are confusing.

I assume that Google maps does provide this feature via the cloud, but I prefer to use cloud-free solutions as much as possible.

By: Alee | Thu, 16 Mar 2017 23:48:00 +0000 In reply to futureboy.

For me, turn-by-turn isn’t at all important. I just like having a line on my map. 🙂

By: Think Floyd Thu, 16 Mar 2017 00:39:00 +0000 In reply to futureboy.

I completely agree that Maps does not do that so I am all ears for your better solution. The reason you don’t have one: Because there isn’t a better solution than the one he gave great instructions on how to use. The KML maps are great in and there isn’t a better offline platform for navigation. Free too boot.

By: Bikeopeli Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:52:00 +0000 In reply to futureboy.

FWIW the KML does just put a track (bookmark) layer on the map, it’s not a way to create an automated nav route that MAPS.ME will prompt from. That said, at least for me, bike touring isn’t really about following the voice prompts of a GPS, its about taking the time to enjoy the adventure and I use the KML track as I would a line on a paper map and pull it out to consult it when I have questions about the route at a junction. If you want route prompting from RideWithGPS exports then you should buy a Garmin Edge and let it lead you, or use an exported GPX route or track file to create a route in a different mobile app, there’s a few out there that will let you do this (ie: Maverick or even Google Maps with some massaging of the export file).

By: futureboy Sat, 26 Nov 2016 22:55:00 +0000 You completely missed the most important part: how to start the navigation feature for the imported KML route. The reason: MAPS.ME cannot do this, and can only do navigation when you specify a start & dest within the app, completely defeating the purpose of doing all that work with the KML.
